Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Juicing up
Today the UIL annouced a state wide steroid testing program for High School student athletes. The program would not test for illegal substances but focus solely on performance enhanceing drugs. It will cost an estimated 6 million dollars to check only 3% of the 720,000 student athletes in Texas. Despite the small percentage we will be testing more athletes than the NCAA and Olympic committee combined. No vendor has been selected but 15 firms have a applied for the 6 million + dollars a year gig. While this cause is indead noble it really says a lot for Texas when our highest priority is to make sure the friday night football game is fair, whenever we have millions of uninsured texas children and things like higher education getting cut. And sadly there isn't even a surefire test for steroids. Many new drugs on the market are untraceable which has led to much controversy in Major League Baseball. So really whats the point? We are spending 6 million dollars to test 3% of athletes that may or may not take steroids that may or may not be traceable. And in order to suspended from sports they have to be caught three times but with this random testing that is very unlikely to happen.